Partnership Opportunities

Looking for Partnership Opportunities?

Partner with the REALTORS® Association of Edmonton and connect with a network of over 5,000 licensed REALTORS® in the Greater Edmonton Area. Local businesses can benefit from a variety of partnership opportunities! Become an event sponsor, tradeshow exhibitor, or member of our REALTOR® Perks Program to reach a wider audience and increase your engagement with real estate professionals.

Ready to partner with us? Fill out this contact form.

We offer plenty of sponsorship opportunities for events happening year-round. Some of our biggest events each year include the RAECON Exhibitor Tradeshow, Christmas Party, Housing Forecast, and RAE Ball.

Expand your network at one of our biggest events of the year – the RAECON Exhibitor Tradeshow. Connect with professional REALTORS® at this exciting real estate convention held every September.

Exclusive codes, discounted tickets, and more! Extend perks and incentives to members of the REALTORS® Association of Edmonton and their clients to expand and get your services in front of a wider network.