Who We Are

The REALTORS® Association of Edmonton (RAE), founded in 1927, is a professional association of real estate brokers and associates in the Greater Edmonton Area and beyond.

Outside of Edmonton, we serve communities in the following surrounding regions:

Our team of approximately 30 staff work to advance the integrity and professionalism of REALTOR® services. We are committed to serving the needs of our 5,000+ members, who, in turn, serve their clients in delivering professional real estate services. The Association administers the Multiple Listing Service®, provides professional education to its members and enforces a strict Code of Ethics and Standards of Business Practice.

We also advertise property listings and publish consumer information online at realtorsofedmonton.com and REALTOR.ca. Our members are also actively involved in surrounding communities, support charities and not-for-profit organizations through the REALTORS® Community Foundation.

Realtor icon

Our Mission expand/collapse icon

The main reason the RAE exists as an association; the RAE’s core purpose; the RAE’s reason for being.

Engaging with our members to support an environment where our members have the opportunity to be highly valued, respected and successful professionals.

Our Vision expand/collapse icon

What we hope to achieve by living out our mission every day.

For our members, it’s that…
REALTORS® are highly valued and respected by consumers during their real-estate experience.

For our Association, it’s that…
RAE is a leader in creating value by fostering a positive culture of integrity, respect and diversity amongst our members.

Our Focus expand/collapse icon

To succeed, we promise to do our best to:

  1. Provide real value to our members
  2. Treat our members like clients with a focus on service excellence & respect
  3. Build our members’ confidence in their Association